How to set up a personal website using AWS Route 53 and GitHub Pages
Update- I’ve switched over to Google Domains
- Google supports apex domains (meaning that it can route using just the domain) and the first million queries are included
- Create a GitHub account
- Create a new repository and name it {username} where {username} is your github user name
- Your source code will be accessible to the public but it’s free. You also have the option to upgrade your account to create private repos.
- Register a domain
— to be continued
(Old AWS steps)
- Create an AWS account and register a domain
- $12 for a .com top level domain
- Using Route 53 costs an additional $0.51 per month
- $0.50 fixed cost to add my domain to their hosting service
- $0.01 variable cost of $0.40 per 1,000,000 queries
- Current prices -
- In AWS, navigate to Route 53 -> Hosted Zones and select your domain name.
- Click the blue “Create Record Set” button near the top
- Add www as the name, since Route 53 doesn’t support URL rewrites.
- Change the Type to CNAME - Canonical name
Set the value to {username} and click Create
- Navigate to your GitHub Page{username}/{username}
- Opening up the repo’s settings and scroll down to the GitHub Pages section
- Set the custom domain to www.{yourdomain} and save
- Add some content to your repo
- All you need is an index.html in your repo or you can use a built in Jekyll theme
- Go to your domain and enjoy